Explore our affiliate program

Earn up to 50% commission

Know any business that would benefit from our platform? Earn rewards by empowering organizations with innovative AI-driven learning solutions.

How much can you earn?

Explore our affiliate partner tiers

Fill out the form below and join us as an affiliate!

Standard affiliate

0-20 sales

25% commission for each customer that signs up and purchases a paid Coursly plan.

VIP affiliate partner

20-50 sales

35% commission for each customer that signs up and purchases a paid Coursly plan.

Ultimate affiliate partner

50+ sales

50% commission for each customer that signs up and purchases a paid Coursly plan.

Sign up

Complete our simple affiliate application and get approved quickly

Promote Coursly AI

Use your unique affiliate link to share our solutions across your channels.

Earn commissions

Receive a commission for each customer that signs up through your link.

Competitive commissions

Earn generous rewards with every customer you refer. Benefit from competitive commission rates in the industry.

Real-time sales tracking

Track your referrals through our real-time dashboard, ensuring transparency and up-to-date reporting on your earnings.

Dedicated support team

Receive personalized support from our dedicated affiliate team to help you maximize your marketing efforts and success.

Join our affiliate program and earn a competitive commission of up to 50% for every plan purchase.

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